World Premiere by Lauren Ferebee
Direction by Dominic D'Andrea
It’s 2008 in small town USA, and there is nothing Norman Rockwell about it. Lisa and Simon used to be soldiers, but they're trying to put all that behind them. Except Simon's mother just committed suicide, Lisa's marriage is falling apart, the local meth dealer won't leave them alone and the only calm person in town is Simon's odd brother Terry, who spends all his time playing video games. Wrestling with the aftermath of death, and realization that no one knows what comes next, these four Americans grasp toward adulthood in a place they dream of leaving.

Chase Burnett
Brian Morvant*
Trace Pope
Amanda Tudor*
*appearing courtesy of AEA
Cast & Crew
Stage Manager: Elise Keller*
Assistant Stage Manager: Alexandra Grant
Assistant Director: Caitlin Wees
Set Design: Scott Tedmon-Jones
Lighting Design: Kia Rogers
Sound Design: Andy Evan Cohen
Costume Design: Vivianne Galloway
Projection Design: Steve Channon
Props Design: Julia Gjeka
Fight Direction: Unkle Dave's Fight House
Press Agent: Katie Rosin/Kampfire PR
Produced by Tim Errickson for Boomerang Theatre Company

April 21st-May 7th, 2017
Wednesday-Saturday at 8pm
Sunday and Monday at 7pm
All Tickets $25
TheaterLab NYC
357 W 36th Street
New York, NY 10018